hair + beauty, hair Liz Morrow hair + beauty, hair Liz Morrow

The pink ... panther?

Eclectic Dining Room

Guess who finally said goodbye to bright yellow hair?! Probably the only person you know with bright yellow hair: me. I dunno guys! I was just feeling the winds of change and I actually made a snap decision to go pink after I’d been planning to go purple/grey for a while.

I used Arctic Fox hair color again, this time in Electric Paradise. The yellow was Cosmic Sunshine and it was a great color, very fade proof (almost … too fade proof? I was hoping I could get it to wash out so I could go silver/grey but alas, the dye is TOO good, lol). I’m excited to see how this one fades. I really like a faded pastel pink, so we’ll see how it looks after a month or two!

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hair, hair + beauty Liz Morrow hair, hair + beauty Liz Morrow

5 short hairstyle ideas for curly girls

Having natural curls is, most of the time, super awesome.  It's basically pre-styled every day, I don't have to wash it very frequently (and when I do, I just use water and conditioner), and it has natural body.  But it can also feel limiting when it comes to styles.  Other than a brief stint with shorter hair, of the bob/long-bob variety, a few months after I got married, I've almost always rocked long locks.  Now, don't get me wrong, I love big, long hair.  Part of me feels, well, not very "me" without my big hair, and I remember immediately regretting it after I did my post-wedding chop.  

But it's hard to keep from window-shopping, if you will, when it comes to other haircuts now and then.  Especially when you've been avoiding washing/detangling your hair for 3 days and keep it in the same messy ponytail for said days.  You might just find yourself getting on pinterest and doing a little pinspiration searching for more low-maintenance cuts.  

Finding inspiration for haircuts can be difficult because when it comes to cutting hair, you need your inspiration to have your hair texture. While I have naturally curly hair, oftentimes searching for "natural curly hair" can come up with much different textures than my own.  And other times it'll result in hair that obviously has no curly texture and is clearly curled with a curling iron.  These inspirations have a somewhat similar texture to my own, give or take a bit of curl or thickness, so into my pin-vault they went!

1. The Long Pixie
I love this look because it's clearly super easy to wear without any styling. Maybe a scrunch here or there and it's good to go.  It has great shape, and it's sexy!

2. The Curly Bob
This length is similar to when my hair was at it's shortest, post-wedding.  I remember not liking this style on myself, but I did have bangs at the time, and I feel like this style sans-fringe is a much more fresh looking style.

3. The Boy Cut
This style is one that I've had my eyes on for years.  Karla Deras, from Karla's Closet, is one of those original style bloggers from way back in the day when I first started blogging and she's rocked short, curly hair for years.  I remember always being envious of her curly, short locks, which felt carefree but chic in every post.  She's had a variety of shorter styles, but this one is a super-cute style that reminds me of a classic boy-cut.

4. The Long Bob (with bangs!)
I always find myself coming back to this style as one I love.  It still has some length and movement, but it also doesn't have the weight of long hair. Plus, cutting off all my processed ends sounds kind of lovely, my tips have been around through far too many hair color changes.  From red, to teal to blonde... they'd probably be happy to be put out of their misery.

5. The Undercut
I've never had a cut similar to this one, save a short time in elementary school when I eschewed any and all things girly and convinced my mom to let me get a boy haircut.  Lets just say it was not anywhere near as cool as these girls' undercuts.  I've dreamed of this haircut many a time, but is so drastic, I've always chickened out.  I love the longer, curly top, maintaining a bit of feminine spunk. Maybe someday I'll take the plunge!

Do you have any curly hair inspiration?  Favorite curly haired bloggers?

Sources: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6

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Hi, I’m Liz

I'm an artist, writer, designer, DIY renovator, and … well basically I like to do all the things. If it’s creative I’m probably doing it. I’ve spent over 30 years voraciously pursuing a life steeped in creativity and I wholeheartedly believe creativity and joy are inextricably linked.
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