an aversion to uniformity

his is technically a bonus outfit from my last remixology post!  It's always fun to see how many ways just a few pieces can be paired together.  I've been thinking about doing another wardrobe purge, or at least putting together a capsule wardrobe for the Brave trip (though I suppose my wardrobe will be a capsule wardrobe for the trip no matter what, since my closet in the Winne is capsule-sized).  I've never been a capsule wardrobe type person, I find my style varies too much from day to day and a capsule wardrobe is much easier for someone who has a very defined style.  I've also always been extremely averse to the idea of uniforms.  I was in Brownies for like two days and then quit, for various reasons, but the uniform was one, I never wanted to wear my Awana vest (though I was a fan of putting the patches on it),  and anytime anyone mentioned wanting to make our school have a uniform, I threatened to leave immediately.  Something inside me has a visceral reaction to uniformity.  Like, I sometimes get angry talking about uniforms.  It's a little ridiculous.  Anyone else hate uniforms?  I can't be the only one.

Perhaps it's just my desire for visual expression.  I've always been artistic, and always very stubborn when it comes to my personal style, even if that "style" is sweatpants and baggy t-shirts.  Uniforms just tend to butt up against both of those very strong, ingrained personality traits, I suppose!  I know there are plenty of great reasons for uniforms, but I will just never be the type of person to like them.  Are you a uniform person?  I know some people love the simplicity of it!

top + jacket(similar) + shoes(similar)/thrifted  :: shorts(similar)/courtesy of modcoth
necklace/francesca's collection :: tights/h+m :: photos by Dan


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