
Happy summer solstice, everyone!  We're quite enjoying the summer sun here in Tacoma today.  We finished fencing in our yard this week, so now I'm gearing up to renovate the yard into a patio/garden.  Mostly I'm just procrastinating pulling up all the ugly sod and cement that currently inhabits the area, but it's exciting to have a yard that's private!  We didn't have much of a backyard to begin with and now that the Winne is back there it's pretty much non-existant, so fencing in our side yard has more than doubled our yard space.  Dusty's also pretty excited about having more yard where she can run free.

Dusty was also pretty excited to run around on the beach at Titlow.  There were a few other dogs around so we had to keep her on the leash so she wouldn't run off and find a new pack, but she was having a blast running back and forth along the water.  Do you guys have any plans for Summer Solstice festivities?  I think we're just gonna chill and hang out in the sun today, and maybe I'll find it within myself to start working on our yard, or maybe I'll just find a lawn chair and crack open a beer.


top/via swap :: blazer/courtesy of modcloth :: jeans/courtesy of for elyse
shoes/courtesy of bc footwear :: necklace/francesca's collection :: photos of me by Dan


get rejected


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