home for the holidays

Though we're in the throes of the Christmas season now, these photos are actually from way back on Thanksgiving day, playing catch up over here!  Thanksgiving ended up being a gorgeous day and before dinner we grabbed some family photos of the whole gang to send out with Christmas cards.  It was really nice having a family-only, super laid back Thanksgiving.  Sometimes holidays can tend to become overwhelming with all the family get togethers, parties, and logistics.  It was nice to have the opposite and just spend the weekend relaxing with family.  We won't be spending the holidays up in Anchorage this year, so it was nice to get that time with my family in for the holiday season.


dress + cardigan/courtesy of modcloth :: boots/courtesy of vogue footwear
 quartz necklace/courtesy of adorn by sarah lewis :: glasses/courtesy of bonlook
pine necklace/handmade :: claw necklace/thrifted :: photos by Dan


homemade egg nog


chocolate (peppermint) fudge