remix archives // neon cardi

This is another piece that has been in my closet for quite a few years.  It's just a simple little cardigan from Gap, but I love the bright punch of color it adds to an outfit.  Here in the PNW cardigans are that perfect layer for cool summer evenings, especially if you plan on biking.  It can get a bit chilly!  And while it's a very spring/summer friendly color, I find that I wear it in any season.  Sometimes a bright color in the middle of a grey winter is just what you need.

Do you guys have items in your closet that go through phases?  There are periods of time where I just wear one item non stop then for months, maybe years, I don't wear it at all.  And then I'll randomly pull it out and love wearing it again and then it's back on the main rotation.  This is why I have a hard time getting rid of things.  I look at something and while I know I don't wear it often, or haven worn it in a while, but maybe it just hasn't come around again!  I can't get rid of it, what if I want to wear it again someday?  I try to overcome this in order to keep my closet from getting full of things I actually do know I probably won't wear again due to my style shifting and changing, but still there are some items I just can't bear to part with.

the garages



Q + A // style on a budget


black tea cake with lemon buttercream frosting + blackberry lime jam