Fake Plastic Trees
Waking up this week has been awful! I am not getting enough sleep. Consequently, I've been pushing back my actually-physically-crawling-out-of-bed time which means no time to think too hard about outfits/look in the mirror. I have so many outfits in my head, but not all of them are comfortable enough to spend 10 hours sitting in front of a computer. Plus, it's still pretty damn cold here at 7 am so I'm less inclined to want to go barelegged or wear lacy tights when I have to get in the car and sit down on the frozen leather seats (leather seats don't do well in extreme temperatures. You either burn your ass or it gets frozen to the rock hard seat.) Another thing to consider during morning dressing: I'm so short that my legs don't really reach the floor when I sit at my desk (yes, I am a child) so I mostly curl up in the chair with my legs beneath me or scrunched up in front of me. This means I can't be indecent since I don't want to flash my male coworker.
dress + leggings/F21 :: shirt/thrifted :: boots/minnetonka :: jacket/jack by bb dakota
One lovely reader emailed me asking if I would do a little fundraising update once in a while, so that you all know my progress in the Brave Project. I thought it was a fun idea, so even though my progress is not really that far along, here's the first one!
I only put it up to 6,000, partly because that's around the price of a Winnebago, and also because any number larger than that is too frightening. Obviously once I reach that goal it's by far not the end of my fundraising, since I need to actually save up for food and gas, etc. This seemed like a good place to start, though!
Oh, and come back later today! I have another vintage giveaway for you guys, I know you're gonna love it!