life lately

Excited about...
My garden growing!  I came back from my Brave trip and it was so much bigger! There's a tiny green strawberry starting to emerge, even!  I was afraid my strawberries weren't going to make it after the transplant, but they've bounced back nicely.

Even more excited about...
My best friend (hopefully) moving to Tacoma!  She just graduated college and is in that weird post-graduation-what-do-I-do-now place, and I've been trying to convince her that Tacoma is a great place to figure it out, haha.  She loves coffee and yoga and tattooed, bearded men, so Tacoma is clearly a good match.  Even if she ends up not staying, it'll be nice to have a best friend around for a while, someone who knows you that completely.

Editing photos of Molly's wedding!  It was a lot of fun shooting, especially since she is such a beautiful and carefree soul.  It was kind of a test run to see if I enjoyed shooting weddings, and I think I do!  Of course, it's probably a bit less stressful shooting a friend's wedding, especially a friend who is so low-key.  I'm definitely open to shooting weddings now, though!  It was good to get outside my comfort zone, even photographically, as I had to shoot with a flash for the reception.  I shoot with natural light exclusively, so it was interesting to figure out the whole flash thing.  I definitely prefer natural light, but I'm glad I had an excuse to figure out flash photography.  I'm still a newb, but I'm glad I did it!

Quiet.  It's SO good you guys.  If you're an introvert, or married to one, or just want to understand the differences between introverts and extroverts, it's a must-read.  I'm about 3/4 done now, and I would recommend it to anyone.  I think a lot of times introverts feel like the way they are is wrong or inferior, but that's absolutely not true.  The more we understand about one another, the better we can communicate and interact with each other.

Thinking about...
Cultivating a rest day.  Dan brought up having Sunday brunches where we invite friends over on Sunday for pancakes or whatever and I loved that idea.  Working from home, I never really have days off, just random chunks of time where I'm not at my computer.  And during those times I feel like I should be working, instead of genuinely taking respite from work.  Having a day, or even just a part of a day, where I am intentional about stepping away and not feeling guilty about it, would be healthy.  I've thought about making my office my work space, and not working unless I'm there, but I so enjoy working in the kitchen or living room, or in coffee shops, that I don't really like that idea.

An effort to be a better friend.  As an introvert it's really easy to thoroughly enjoy just staying at home, doing my own quiet things.  But knowing that I need that time to myself, I can also use that to fill my tank with solitude in order to fuel times spent putting myself out there, even if my natural instinct is to avoid going out with people.  Thankfully most people I'm friends with are also introverts, so the going-out-together avoidance isn't one sided.


tacoma // pretty plants at the nursery // molly's bouquets! // winne times
fixing loose belts in oakland // sunny day outfit // strawberry rhubarb iced latte
little beauty // flourishing garden! // celebrating HK + saying goodbye to 1022
some instax pix from molly's wedding!


summer lovin'


just for pictures